Who we are and what we want
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The biological way
The Olive Tree
The bees
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Minimal tillage, which allows to preserve soil fertility, soil erosion and non-leaching of elements that can pollute groundwater.
No use of plant protection products of chemical origin or pesticides, but only products of natural origin in defense of plants and health.
The use of natural fertilizers with the integration of mature manure of animal origin and leguminous green manure whose shredding during the flowering period creates a mass that will be transformed into humus.
Extra virgin olive oil obtained by cold pressing in an oil mill, harvested in October
Harvested in early October or in November when fully ripe
Harvested November through March
Made with organic fruit pulp, generally without sugar, availability depends on the season
Extracts based on our products, according to the season.
Oasi del Buon Gesù
Via Segesta 27 - Sibari - Italia
P.IVA 01941950782
+39. 349. 36 74 464